The millway at Santa Cruz

Extended walking tour

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Since 1567 exist water mills around La Palma.There were 13 flour or bread mills, a large number- of the one part, because the canyon in which were this mills, led constant amounts of water, on the other hand to supply the inhabitants of. St. Cruz, which consumed a large quantity GOFIO. Today the mills are no longer in operation.An adjacent small houses are partially occupied. One of the mills, Molina del Rio, is rented as a holiday home.


We begin our hike at the Avenida El Puente down in the city. Soon run (right) at the market hall over, it pays to look inside, an beautiful art nouveau-building, and the colorful flowers, fruits and vegetables in all colors marvelous.


In front of the market hall, so on the left side, a blue house catches your eye, that is the restaurant Mambrina - a typical spanish restaurant with good food an much flair. In the upper part of the Avenida under the pavement a huge parking garage is located. Here is on the right side a noice old stand from the last century with cast-iron decorations on the roof.


The road runs and in about 70 m height, we get to a roundabout with a modern sculpture - will probably be a mill. Right on the mountain (120 m) We see three mills: Los Molinos de Bellino.


We get behind the roundabout right up the stairs with the many levels higher.


Once at the top right side of the hill we could go back the city. But this is too little exercise for us.We turn left and take the LP 2.2 yellow/white in the direction of Tierritas.


Wonderful views of the city, the sea and the mountains accompany us on this narrow path. A thin ridge it is, we can look to the left and right dept. To 260 m altitude, we reach the village Les Tierritas . A guide to the first antenna points the way straight to Santuario de Las Nieves our goal.


We point therefore to LP 2.2, cross several times a road and finally reach 330 m altitude. We go down right on a beautiful camino real in the canyon and past the Molino del Rio (240 m), We reached the road to Las Nieves.


Our goal is achieved, we ned 2 1/2 hours and make our lunch break in the Parilla de las Nieves. A place with a delicious soups, great cutlets. Thursday is closed, otherwise open from 12.30 to 17 o.clock and from 19 to 23.30 o.clock.


Our way back we assume through the lower Barranco de Madera. Opposite the church, which is well worth seeing, with its Moorish-wood ceilings and an altarpiece designed by flemish artists.


The road goes down into the ravine. It is the way of the procession Bajada de la Virgen de las Nieves, which is every 5 years with the Lady of the snow, which will be carried from Nieves to Santa Cruz. The trail is well marked with LP 2.2. If we come out of the canyon, we turn left and go through the underpass to urbanizacion Benhoare. At the first bridge we turn rigt and walk down the Avenida de las Nieves, which leads to the Columbus ship.


Here, on the Avenida de las Nieves at the corner of the Calle Jandia we parked and enjoy after 5 1/2 hours to sink into the cushions. The GPS is a pure walking time 2.5 hours _ an outrageous in light of my tiredness.

(Buchempfehlungen: Reisehandbuch LA PALMA aus dem Verlag Michael Mueller, ISBN 978-3-89953-456-6. – „Die Wanderwege auf La Palma“, herausgegeben von der Inselregierung La Palma, ISBN84-87664-47-4)

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